Tanaz's beautiful artwork is displayed on the walls of our teaching studios and is available to buy, either as the original or as a print.
RASM is very excited to be joining forces with the lovely Tanaz to bring to you the magic of music and drawing. There will be two hour long workshops held on Saturday 22nd February. Ros and Sally will be playing live music while Tanaz guides you through drawing. The 4pm workshop is aimed at families, and the 6pm will be for adults only. Tanaz will also be holding an art sale of her beautiful art, which you can see of the walls of our school! The art work will be marked half price, and 50% of the sales will go towards the new venue for RASM.
The sessions will be held in our Studios at RASM. Tickets are limited to 15 for each workshop due to space, so please book soon!
4pm Workshop - Families
Adult Ticket £25
Child Ticket £5 (all children must be accompanied by an adult with a ticket
6pm Workshop - Adults
Adult Ticket £25
RASM Studios, Riverside House
RASM Studios, Riverside House
RASM Studios, Riverside House
RASM Studios, Riverside House
Tanaz is a London based artist. She was born and raised in Iran. She studied Graphic Design in Tehran and moved to London to study for a Masters Degree in Illustration and Animation. She has been living and working in London for the past twenty one years.
As a practising artist Tanaz has a great passion for art and culture. In her work she has always been in search of relationships between the mysterious and symbolic worlds of ideas and allegories that happen within the realms of mythology, poetry and dreams. This has been reflected in much of her creative work so far.
Working as a freelance artist, participating in various exhibitions and leading art as therapy workshops as well as working with a PR company has granted her with good skills in communication. She is also highly passionate about mental health and particularly Post Natal Depression.
She has been working closely with MumsAid an award winning charity that support mothers and their families with their mental health well being. Tanaz runs The Art of Self Expression Group as a form of Art as Therapy. Every week mothers join Tanaz to explore their thought process and emotional life through mark making, drawing and use of colour.
She has been invited to run the workshops for various organisations.
Studio 2
Studio 3